Thursday, July 07, 2005

When did Media Converge mean Coverage OF the Media?

I hate to get a wee bit serious on here, in fact I wasn’t even going to rant about this…until this morning.

Like a lot of folks, I spent this last Saturday watching LIVE 8 on VH1/MTV. I started watching it on my computer, then decided it would be better to see the concert on my big TV instead of my little monitor. Unfortunately MTV and VH1 were more concerned with what the VJ’s thought that they neglected to show most of the concerts. I dare you to find even a mention of the Cure’s performance in Paris! I hate to say this, but AOL had wonderful coverage of the event; cameras in each city that never shut off and no annoying VJ’s to spoil the event. I would have to MTV/VH1 did a good job of covering their VJ’s, but not covering the event. The VJ’s interrupted even PINK FLOYD. Few to no songs were played in their entirety etc. I could complain for hours.

This I was going to let slide, due to the fact that everyone knows how poor the coverage was. But this morning as I turned on my tv for my usual morning rituals I learn of the horrific terror attack in London. Based on the news coverage this morning the only fact I know was that is was in London. I spent the morning watching American reporters interview English reporters. The English reporters seem to know little to nothing about the situation except that the streets were silent. When did reporting on a reporter become news worthy? Why did I spend an hour (and lord knows how long this actually went on) watching American reporters ask English reports questions? Are the English reports the story? I don’t think so! I have no idea why the English reports couldn’t go out and do research for the story and then file a report. Yes I said RESEARCH. But they were too busy answering American Reporters questions.

I long for the days when music was played on Music Television and the News actually covered news events and not themselves. **sigh**


Blogger bm said...

I've waited patiently since '94 to see Waters rejoin with Floyd, and no one was more pissed than me when they interuppted Comfortably Numb. At least they cut back right before Gilmour's guitar solo, which honestly brought a tear to my eye.

"What exactly is a dream, and what exactly is a joke?"


ps- That last line is a trivia question...who?

10:29 PM  
Blogger Joe eoJ said...

jug band blues off of suacer full of secrets joe loves flyod

3:49 PM  

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