Thursday, August 25, 2005

Day light savings withdraw

soon the days of darkness shall be upon us. the sun sets noticeably earlier already and within weeks we will , like time traveling lemmings , turn our clocks back, taking yet another hour of lucious vitamin D syntysizing sunlight away.

Now i know we dont actually lose an hour, it just gets shifted to some ungodly hour of the morning that most of us dont believe in cause we've never seen it.

well this year it's time to take a stand against turning back the clocks. Now i know it's been protested before to no avail even though the whole reason we do this clock thing is obsolete. i say this year lets keep our extra hour of light, i for one will not be turning my clock back, who's with me!!

now i know what your thinking, joe just conform, maybe even take a stand against something that matters rather then some petty thing no one cares about and isnt gonna make a difference to anyone. well i say whooie this is important,

how many games and fun times will be called on the count of darkness, how pasty white will everyone end up, how tired will we think we are cause it's dark outside,

ya thats right now i know maybe only a few people will jump on my bandwagon, no no, my time wagon. but I assure you more and more will each year. i know the 2 or three of us may be an hour early for a lot of things but hey, it's the price we pay for change and sun light. and i will pay that price ten fold !! to preserve my right as an american to call time realative and keep my hour of dayligt.

so that said who's coming with me into the future.

joe eoj


Blogger TTG said...

At least you have Congress on your side Joe.

10:23 AM  
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