Thursday, August 03, 2006

What the world needs now….

Today as I was walking in the blistering sun down lovely Carson Street in the City’s glorious South Side section I couldn’t help thinking, man why am I so hot? The problem didn’t lie within my t-shirt, which provided great breezy comfort as I strolled. It was the fact that after a mere 6 blocks my jeans felt like my skin and I had to look down every so often to make sure 1) I still had pants on and 2) I didn’t pee my pants. This is about when I decided what we all need is air-conditioned pants. I’m not talking about Polish air conditioning. Any moron can cut holes in their pants. I mean honest to Heavens air conditioning. As I continued to walk I also thought my life should be a movie. I strut down the street like Travolta in Fever, why not have my life be a movie? I’ll tell you how I know my life is not a movie… I don’t have cool pants. If my life were a movie my pants would be air-conditioned, I’m talking cold air shooting in and out of my ass at all times. Would I ever sweat? Hell no! I have air-conditioned pants. But alas, life doesn’t work that way.
So my plea to all of you smart types….invent me so air conditioned pants!


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