Monday, September 26, 2005

Ask Joe a Question

hey, all, joe here

lately during or miriad of shows this month, ( i wonder if i used the word miriad properly there)
several people in attendence of our shows have asked me questions. at the time i really didnt have a chance to give them the attention and in depth answer that they deserved, so i would like to take the time now to answer the 4 questions i remember

1 yes
2 only after a good shower, no seriously red heads.
3 no i've never seen a dog do that to a person, nor do i want to right now, maybe later.
4 wwmd what would machavelli do.

so now that that's all clear up. i would like to invite any one anywhere to go a head and ask me a question aobut our shows, how we do what we do, or about anything at all, whether or not we all get along, who is the funniest and so forth , and i will be happy to answer all the questions .

instructions: to ask joe a question go to our guestbook and type in a question your answer will be posted within 2 working days, (i work on odd days and times so it could be like right after you post or later then that so keep checking back,

disclaimer: joe's answers do not neccessarily reflect that of the group but only his personal interpretation of said group.

warning: answers may enrage or disapoint you and will be filled with spelling errors and lack of capitalization

so with that said, i look forward to answering all your questions and hearing from all of our fans
thanks alot ,

joe eoj


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